Fun and Worthwhile Paid Android Weather Apps

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The Android Market has some great standard weather apps for your Android phone. There are also a bunch of apps that are a bit more in depth and great for the weather fans out there. Since weather in general is such an intriguing topic to many, apps like these will continue to get better and more plentiful. These particular Android weather apps will cost you a dollar or two to download and depending on how important the information is to you, may be well worth the investment...

Tsunami Alert

Everyone still remembers the tragedy that befell Asia in 2006. This fine Android weather app will provide people information on whether there will be a tsunami in the near future or not. The app is quite specialized, needless to say. You'll have to be the judge if it's worth it to you.

Raining Today?

One of the simplest and finest Android weather apps in the market, this app answers one very simple yet very important question will it be raining today? The updates are accurate, detailed, and covers nearly the entire world and not just the USA.

Sea Shepherd

An Android weather app that gives you access to the Whale Warrior's Blog - a website that concerns itself with the environment and everything related to it, including any worldwide weather phenomenon.


This is a weather app that will provide you quick aviation weather updates from some of the most reliable sources in the country. A great app for pilots and travelers!


One of the very specialized "weather" apps available that does not give weather updates. Instead, it provides you with the time according to astronomical standards - such as the "time" according to the position of the sun, the moon's phase, and the season of the year. It's a pretty fun app to tinker around with.


This app provides you with information on the temperature. The reading is based on the location, so it works best when you have a live Internet connection. If knowing the exact temperature is valuable to you, this is an app you may be interested in.


This paid Android app provides you with local forecasts about pollen situations in the country. Obviously, this is a great app if you're allergic to certain pollens (remember that pollen forecasts are affected by both the season and the weather).

WeatherBug Elite

This Android weather app pools many different resources together and provides a very nice, reliable forecast for its users. If you really want an in depth forecast, this is a great Android app to have.

Beautiful Widgets

This Android weather app provides geo-localized weather forecasts, so the updates you'll get are as accurate as it could be possibly be. The forecast animations, stunning and very stylized, add amazing depth to this great Android weather app.

Weather Widgets

Easily one of the finest Android weather apps around, Weather Widgets is great because of its simplicity. Weather updates are presented on the clock weather widget (that has many skins you can choose from). Not very detailed, but sufficient enough to give you what you need.

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The main goal of the site is to provide everyone an easy way to read about all of the Android apps. Go straight to the Android News and Weather Apps section where you'll find all the paid and free Android Weather Apps!

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